Welcome Back! Our amazing staff was back at work today with professional development workshops, meetings, time to prepare classrooms, and an open house for 5th graders at WMS. Another staff day tomorrow, a district-wide meeting in the afternoon, and elementary school open houses tomorrow night.
5 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Please read the Back to School special edition of the Westbrook Schools newsletter. See you when school begins next week! https://westbrooksdme.edurooms.com/engage/westbrook-school-department/newsletters/back-to-school-2024
5 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Good Morning! All bus routes for the 2024-25 school year are now posted on the Back to School page! This page can be accessed from our homepage by clicking on the Welcome Back to School tab! You will also find many resources to start the school year on a positive note. Looking forward to seeing the students very soon!
5 months ago, Dr. Kim O'Donnell
Westbrook High School was pleased to host the first in a series of community meetings sponsored by the Maine Department of Education on August 13,. The meetings are part of the Department of Educations's Measure What Matters initiative. The purpose is to talk about hopes for the future of education in Maine. There are meetings scheduled in every county. Thank you to the 50 people who attended the meeting in Westbrook!
5 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
It must be August! WHS Marching Band Camp was in full swing this week. Students are starting to put together this year's show, and it is already looking and sounding amazing!
5 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
It's almost time for school to begin in Westbrook! Attached is the school calendar for 2024-25. https://5il.co/2p090
5 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
The Westbrook School Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, August 14 at 7pm at WHS Room 114 and on Zoom and Facebook Live. Click here for the agenda: https://5il.co/2tc57
5 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
There is still time to vote in the School Budget Referendum. Polls are open until 8pm at the Westbrook Community Center. Thank you for voting!
6 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Heart Westbrook Schools
Just a reminder to take time to VOTE today in the School Budget Referendum. Polls are open until 8pm at the Westbrook Community Center. Your voice matters!
6 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Heart Westbrook Schools
Please take time to vote on Tuesday in the School Budget Referendum. Polls are open 6am-8pm at the Westbrook Community Center.
6 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Heart Westbrook Schools
Please read the attached letter about the July 16 School Budget Referendum. https://5il.co/2r3t3
6 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Heart Westbrook Schools
There will a Community Conversation about the revised FY25 School Budget and Validation Vote on Thursday, July 11, 5:30-6:30pm at the Westbrook Middle School cafeteria. PLEASE VOTE on July 16!
6 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Community Conversation
Please vote in the second School Budget Referendum on Tuesday, July 16. Absentee ballots may be requested from City Hall and will be available on July 1. Be prepared to vote. Visit www.westbrookschools.org for information on the revised school budget.
7 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
There are two meetings this evening regarding proposed revisions to the Westbrook School Department's FY25 school budget. The Finance Committee will meet at 5pm and the School Committee will meet at 6pm in WHS Rm 114 and on Zoom and Facebook.
7 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Please find the 24-25 school calendar at this link: https://5il.co/2p090 It is also posted on our district webpage, under the School Calendar 24-25 button. Thank-you!
7 months ago, Dr. Kim O'Donnell
Please read the June issue of the Teaching and Learning newsletter. Have a wonderful summer! https://westbrooksdme.edurooms.com/engage/westbrook-school-department/newsletters/teaching-and-learning-newsletter-june-2024
7 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Please read the attached CORRECT letter from Dr. Lancia on the last day of school. https://5il.co/2oshi
7 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Please click on the link below to read a letter from Dr. Lancia on the last day of school. Have a wonderful summer! https://5il.co/2o62i
7 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Congratulations to the Westbrook Middle School Art students for completing several new community art projects for all to enjoy. The newest project is the WMS Falcon Mural. Created by 6th-8th graders and facilitated by Ms. Jacobs and Ms. Goan, the mural utilizes concepts related to the elements and principles of design and color theory. A VERY SPECIAL shout-out to our one and only MS. GOAN for facilitating this project and so many more over her career at Westbrook Middle School. We wish her the very best in this next chapter. We know she will continue to inspire those around her and will spread her creativity wherever she goes next.
7 months ago, Rachel Somerville
WMS Art Teachers standing by the new Falcon Mural
Please vote in Tuesday’s School Budget Referendum. Click to view a video with some highlights of the FY25 budget. Thank you for voting! https://youtu.be/zN6zDtpKB4s?si=9zz78c0jzMT0pR5N
7 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia