It was an awesome day at Congin School yesterday with the first Fall Fun Fest Field Day! Thanks to everyone who helped may it possible. Our students had the best time!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
CONGRATULATIONS to the Westbrook High School Math Team A. Our students scored in 1st place out of 13 teams in the greater Portland region! Congratulations! Go Blue!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
We Love Math
MORE AMAZING THINGS HAPPENING AT WRVC!!! Our Fire Fighting students taught our Early Childhood Education Occupations' You 'n Me nursery school students (AKA our Littles) about fire fighting gear, the fire truck, and the program's ambulance.. The Fire Fighting students also modeled how to "Stop, Drop, and Roll"! The Culinary Arts program had the pleasure of meeting with two University of Maine chefs who received a grant to educate CTE students about the benefits of using locally sourced ingredients when preparing dishes that may require dietary restrictions. The students were shown a variety of locally sourced ingredients, then received a dietary restriction such as pescatarian, dairy-free, gluten-free to then create a meal of the student's choice. The students did a spectacular job and taste-tested each other's creations. We are grateful that our students had this rich learning opportunity! Thank you to all who helped make this experience so special!
over 2 years ago, Gloria Noyes
Fire Fighting Students Helping the Littles in ECOE
Chef Dumas from UMaine coaches a Culinary Arts student
Culinary Arts- Local Food Options/Restricted Dietary Learning  w/UMaine Chefs
SO MANY WONDERFUL THINGS HAPPENING AT WRVC!!! Our Criminal Justice Tech I & Tech II students experienced an all encompassing guided tour of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy. The students learned about criminal justice history, day-to-day operations, and experienced hands-on learning activities. A huge thank you to the Criminal Justice Academy, Officer Kopp, and Mrs. O'Toole for providing this exceptional learning experience! :)
over 2 years ago, Gloria Noyes
Criminal Justice Field Trip to the Maine Criminal Justice Academy
Join us tonight at the Westbrook Performing Arts Center for the High School Band & Chorus concert. This promises to be a fantastic show! The concert begins at 7:00pm.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Kim O'Donnell
Music Note
Reminder... Thursday, November 10 is a half day of school for students. Dismissal times are as follows: WMS: 10:15am; WHS: 10:25am; Canal, Congin, Saccarappa: 11:30am. We look for ward to seeing everyone at Family School Conferences!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
CONGRATULATIONS to the WHS Blue Blazes Marching Band and Color Guard - a Gold Medal in the State Finals and Second Place in New England! BRAVO!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
From our Director of Bands: "We are proud to announce results of the championship performances of the year for the 60 students of the Marching Band and Color Guard! Saturday evening in the Maine Finals Westbrook earned a Gold Medal with a score of 4.93 (out of 5.0 possible). On Sunday they performed at the New England Championships in Reading,MA and scores a 94.8-earning 2nd place! Thanks for the support throughout the fall - we are all a bit tired but was a nice ending to a season where they worked really hard to achieve at a high level as a team. We are very proud of their efforts!" Kyle Smith, Director of Bands
over 2 years ago, Sue Proulx, k-12 Director of Music
On behalf of the Marching Band and Color Guard, I want to thank all of who came out to see the Championship Preview last night on Olmstead Field.    Over this season, the show has evolved to a point of complete symbiosis. The synchrony, the musicianship and dance, the accuracy, and the "flow" and the elegance of movement make it difficult for the audience to see where the various elements of Marching Band and Color Guard begin or end.  The drill delivers moments throughout that are truly breathtaking. What an exceptional and hardworking group of performers!!! If you want to witness this work at the Championship level, please come out to Waterhouse Field in Biddeford for the FINALS tomorrow, Saturday,at 5:45 pm (arrive early to find parking and to find a place in the stands).  They will take the show one last time to Reading MA on Sunday for the New England finals!!   If you see Kyle Smith, Joey Hendricks, or any of the Marching Band/Color Guard Students in school today, please give them a well-deserved high 5!!  Sincerely, Sue Proulx
over 2 years ago, Sue Proulx, k-12 Director of Music
Shaelie performs on Mellophone while Madie executes a leap in the background.
Part of the final scene:  OASIS
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Dr. Kim O'Donnell
GOOD LUCK to our WHS Boys Soccer Team who will be facing Portland High School in the Class A Soccer Playoffs on Saturday at 10am at Fitzpatrick Stadium in Portland. GO BLUE BLAZES!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Blue Blazes Soccer
Save the Date for a Community Conversation about Social Media on Monday, November 14, 6pm at the WMS Cafeteria
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
social media flyer
Congratulations to our Boys Soccer team for making the Class A Soccer playoffs. They will be facing the Portland Bulldogs at Fitzpatrick Stadium at 10 am this Saturday. Please come and support the boys! They will be charging $5 for adults and $3 for students and senior citizens at the gate.
over 2 years ago, Beth Murphy
October 17-21 is National School Bus Safety Week. We will be practicing bus evacuations on our buses and showing our transportation staff how much we appreciate them.
over 2 years ago, Melissa Foye
School Bus Safety Week
We're THRILLED to announce the new APP for the Westbrook School Department! It's everything Westbrook School Department, in your pocket! Download the app today!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Kim O'Donnell
QR code
Awesome profession learning is happening today!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Thank you to our friends at The Locker Project who provide free fresh food for students in all our schools to bring home to share with their families. Thanks also to the generous businesses and organizations who support them. School Nutrition Director Mary Emerson and I were pleased to host Lauren Hickey and Kathryn Sargent from the Locker Project for lunch at the WHS cafeteria to thank them for all they do!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Locker Project Partners
Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, October 7 due to a Professional Development day for all staff. Also, there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 10 which is Indigenous People's Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
No School
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is October 4-5.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Yom Kippur
BRAVO WHS! Top scores in all categories!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Peter Lancia