Tuesday, June 13 is the annual School Budget Referendum. Polls are open at the Community Center on Bridge Street 6am-8pm. Information about the FY2024 School Budget can be found on the School Department website www.westbrookschools.org. PLEASE VOTE!
11 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Thank you to Mr. Johnsen who offered tie tying lessons in advance of our 8th grade promotion. Tying a tie is an important skill and he wanted to make sure that our kids were able to look their best that evening. Thank you, Mr. Johnsen!
11 months ago, Laurie Wood
Tie tying lessons!
Message to 8th Grade Parents/Guardians: As we look toward the end of this school year, we have been planning for your child's transition to Westbrook High School and our end of the year activities. On Thursday, June 15, 2023, Westbrook Middle School will hold our eighth grade Promotion Ceremony in the Westbrook Performing Arts Center beginning at 6:00 P.M. This ceremony will celebrate the accomplishments of our students. All eligible 8th grade students are asked to attend this awards ceremony to receive their certificate of promotion to Westbrook High School. Students are asked to be at Westbrook Middle School no later than 5:45 P.M. to begin lining up for the Promotion Ceremony which will begin promptly at 6:00 P.M That evening, following the Promotion Ceremony, a dance for all our eighth grade students will be held in the gymnasium until 9:00 P.M. Parents/Guardians are asked to pick up their son or daughter from the dance at 9:00 P.M. The promotion dance is for eighth grade Westbrook Middle School students only. There is no cost to students for the evening’s activities. Our promotion ceremony is an important right of passage for our middle school students and we look forward to honoring them and all their accomplishments. Respectfully, Laurie Wood Principal
11 months ago, Laurie Wood
I am so proud of our 7th graders and so thankful for the support we got for Unity Day from the city and all the volunteers. Photos and videos to follow but thank you to everyone for helping us to have our 7th graders give back to the Westbrook community today!
12 months ago, Laurie Wood
Unit Day t-shirt
Are you technically savvy? love working with people? want to be part of a very supportive (dare I say, fun?) team? want a full time job with excellent health and other benefits that offers a family-friendly school year work schedule? Then perhaps you are the right person to join our Student Services (formerly known as Guidance) Team as our Administrative Assistant! Check our this link for all our employment opportunities: https://www.westbrookschools.org/page/join-our-team Contact woodl@westbrookschools.org with any questions.
12 months ago, Laurie Wood
Welcome to WMS
Congratulations, Ms. Bolton and your students! What a beautiful spring door for our door decorating contest. The halls are bright and beautiful at WMS.
12 months ago, Laurie Wood
Spring door
Hi all, we are still looking for volunteers for our May 19th Unity Day! We would love to have you join our students and they give back to the community! Please email woodl@westbrookschools.org for more information!
12 months ago, Laurie Wood
people picking up trash
One Westbrook is hosting a Community Conversation and Pot Luck on Saturday, May 6, 1-3 pm at St. Anthony's Church hall on Brown Street. Come and meet your neighbors and share your thoughts and experiences that make Westbrook a great community! All are welcome, and interpreters will be present.
12 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Parents & Guardians, We will be launching our READY4K Parent Powered messaging beginning on Monday, May 8! This is an exciting, grant funded opportunity to support our efforts around family engagement with students up to grade 5! Be on the lookout for information coming right to your mobile device very soon!
12 months ago, Dr. Kim O'Donnell
Looking for a fun, active, local, FREE summer day camp experience for your middle schooler? It's time to register for the Intercultural Community Center's summer program. Here is the link to the registration: http://bit.ly/2023powersummerreg
almost 1 year ago, Laurie Wood
ICC Summer Program
Reminder: There is a half day of school on Thursday, April 13. Westbrook Middle School will dismiss students at 10:15am, Westbrook High School will dismiss students at 10:25am, and Congin, Canal, and Saccarappa will dismiss students at 11:30am. Also, vacation begins on Friday, April 14 through next week. Classes resume on April 24. We hope you have a great vacation, time filled with safe travel, good books, and rest and relaxation.
about 1 year ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Check out this program! Great opportunity for outdoor adventures.
about 1 year ago, Laurie Wood
Westbrook explorers
It's yearbook time! If you'd like to have your WMS student have a yearbook to remember this year by, please follow this link: https://tr5.treering.com/create-account/1016666393694401 and use this passcode: 1016666393694401 We are using a new yearbook company this year and we're very excited to see how it came out. Don't miss out!
about 1 year ago, Laurie Wood
WMS yearbook cover
Congrats to the the Trail Blazers middle school hockey team. They won the championship for their division! The following students were a part of that team from Westbrook Middle School: Patrick Doherty Wyatt Johnson Braedon Greeley
about 1 year ago, Laurie Wood
hockey team
Time for some new t-shirts for the kids? Need a fresh hoodie for those spring baseball games? Try the WMS Spirit Wear store, courtesy of Xtreme Sportswear here in Westbrook. I can speak personally to the quality of the clothing and the prices are great. Show support for our schools and support a good cause. Check it out! Here is the link: https://westbrookms22.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
about 1 year ago, Laurie Wood
Hey everybody, I just wanted to put this back on your radar. This is a very, very important conversation and we want you to be part of it. The effects of social media on the children in our schools cannot be overstated. Please join us for this new learning and panel discussion. The time has been adjusted to be 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Laurie Wood
Like poster
Our apologies, the instructions we received from. PTC Fast, the company through which we do our family/teacher conference booking, were in error.  There does not appear to be a "special request" button to select to request a virtual conference.   Therefore, we will assume that all conferences are to be in person at WMS.  IF YOU WOULD LIKE A VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, please email any of your child's teachers and they will forward you a Google Meets like for the conference. Again, our apologies for the confusion.
about 1 year ago, Laurie Wood
Dear Westbrook Middle School Families, This year our Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Monday, April 3, 2023, Tuesday, April 11, 2023 and again on Thursday, April 13, 2023. We are offering conferences both in person and virtually. Designate which type of conference you prefer in the "Special Request" box when you are signing up. To schedule your conference time(s) online, please follow these simple instructions: Simply click on this link: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Westbrook_Middle_School_1 Also located on the WMS website at: https://www.westbrookschools.org/o/wms Simply locate your child's team/teacher on the list and check the box to see available times. Choose your desired day & time for your conference and click to enter. Enter the necessary information and hit submit. If you do not need to schedule additional conferences, the process is complete when you log out. If you need to schedule another conference for another child, simply return to the teacher list & choose the next teacher. *If you do not have internet access, please contact Sharon Pelletier @ 854-0830 x 3000 to set up an appointment for you. If you cannot attend on the dates available or wish to make other arrangements, please email your child’s teacher. If you would like to request an interpreter for your conference, please contact Sharon Pelletier at the number above. All staff emails are as follows: staff last name, staff first name initial, followed by @westbrookschools.org
about 1 year ago, Laurie Wood
Thank you to our 6th grade student, Jannah Alabboodi, for her explanation of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan this morning. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which Muslims around the world observe a month-long fast from dawn to sunset. A fast is when you don’t eat food or drink anything between sunrise and sunset. Fasting is believed to purify the soul and help develop self-discipline and empathy for those who are less fortunate. It is considered the holiest month of the year, honoring the revelation of the Quran to the prophet Muhammad. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The end of Ramadan is celebrated with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the breaking of the fast and is one of the most important holidays in the Islamic calendar. Many students at WMS will not be eating breakfast or lunch during Ramadan. They might go to another location but they can also choose to stay in the caf for lunch. Please be respectful of their choice to fast and do not try to encourage them to eat or drink anything during this time. A non-Muslim person may wish someone a 'Happy Ramadan. ' But Muslims typically don't say that to each other. The Arabic greeting is 'Ramadan Mubarak,' which means 'Happy Ramadan,'
about 1 year ago, Laurie Wood
Dear Friends, Yesterday was our first Remote Learning Snow Day! Thank you to our students, teachers, school nutrition staff, principals, and families for helping to make it possible. How did the day work for you and your children? We would appreciate any feedback on the following link: https://forms.gle/QLEEj3C4c56Un7Fv6. Reminder: there is no school for students on Friday, March 17. It is a Professional Learning Day for staff. Our staff are participating in workshops and learning experiences across the district. Have a great long weekend! Peter Lancia, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools Language Services The Westbrook School Department provides interpreter services. If you would like to request an interpreter for a meeting or you require translation for reading a school form, please contact the Central Office at (207) 854-0800. After you are connected, please say the requested language and provide your name and telephone number. A staff person will return your call with an interpreter.
about 1 year ago, Dr. Peter Lancia