Our Shared Vision

The Westbrook School Department believes that education is a partnership among students, staff, families, and the community.

We encourage self-directed learning and individual excellence through student centered activities and interdisciplinary connections.

Within a framework of high expectations, the school environment allows for a variety of opportunities for students to demonstrate what they have learned.

As partners in learning, we all share the responsibility to make this vision a reality in a changing world.

Our Core Values

Strong, Innovative Leadership

Intentional, Learner-Centered Teaching

Meaningful, Personalized Learning

Inclusive Culture and Community

Intentional Facilities and Finance


Teaching & Learning, Social and Emotional Learning, Equity & Opportunity, Collaboration & Communication

Our Guiding Principles

As a school community, we:

~Create an equitable school community where opportunities are accessible to all children and adults

~Develop a culture that fosters joy, collaboration, communication, community partnerships, accountability, and high standards

~Nurture and environment where all students learn at high levels of achievement, demonstrate personal growth and effectively express their voices

~Set high standard and monitor accountability for all students and employees

~Work to attract, nurture, celebrate, support, and retain committed, highly qualified administrators, teachers, and staff who are reflective of our students’ identities and diverse community.

~Foster a community of belonging, resilience and self-esteem

~Develop personal responsibility, positive behavior, and restorative practices that support social emotional learning and development

~Share the responsibility, positive behavior, and restorative practices that support social and emotional learning and development

~Share the responsibility for learning among home, school and community

~Manage facilities and finances thoughtfully and intentionally, plan for ongoing improvements and provide for safe and cost-effective learning environments